Category Archives: Police Files

Case files held by the police.

Statements Regarding the Mackintosh Theory

The central idea in the conviction of William Herbert Wallace is that he had in fact worn the mackintosh to belabor his wife to death and escape in the alotted time free from any specks of blood. The idea that … Continue reading

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Police Tram Test Time Statements

Distance from 29 Wolverton Street to the St. Margaret’s Church stop is 605 yards (William Henry Harrison, surveyor) or 608 yards (P. Julian Maddock, civil and consulting engineer). Both men agree the “request” stop at Castlewood Road on the way … Continue reading

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Official Police and Munro File Photos

This gallery contains 37 photos.

Official photographs as found in the police file.

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Police Tips & Confessions

Alleged Confession Letter: Letter to Munro Regarding a Confession #1: Letter to Munro Regarding a Confession #2: Tip #1: Apparent attempt to disguise the handwriting. Tip #2:

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William Herbert Wallace – Statements

CLICK THE IMAGES TO VIEW IN FULL SIZE FOR READING. SAVING TO ALLOW FOR EXTRA ZOOM MAY HELP ON THE MUNRO FILES. Statement to Constable Fred Williams: Note that the constable DID NOT write this down at the time, he … Continue reading

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Milk Boy Timing Statements (Includes Elsie Wright, Metcalf, Wildman, etc.)

Clock Winders: Central Police Offices, Dale Street. 27th Jany. 1931. John Paterson says:- I am a clock winder employed by Mssrs. Condliff & Coy, Clockmakers, 93 Dale Street. It is part of my duty to wind and correct the clock … Continue reading

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Superintendent Hugh Moore Statements & Police Reports

25/01/1931: C.I.D.Special Branch, 25th January 1931. Hubert MOORE says:- I am a Detective Superintendent in the Liverpool City Police. At about 10p.m. on Tuesday the 20th.January 1931 in consequence of what I was told, I went with Detective Sergeant Fothergill … Continue reading

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Anonymous Tip Off #2

Another tip submitted to the police.

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Note From Julia’s Brother Requesting Her Belongings

A note from a surviving brother of Julia Wallace, named George Smith Dennis.

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Anonymous Tip Off #1

One of many tip offs and confessions received by the police. Courtesy of John Gannon.

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Telephone Electrician, Operators/Supervisor and Gladys Harley Testimony

Statements by Leslie Heaton and staff at the telephone exchange who received the “Qualtrough” call.

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City Analyst William Henry Roberts – Statements and Reports

Courtesy of author and researcher John Gannon.

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Professor McFall – All Reports and Evidence

All reports made by forensic expert Professor McFall, courtesy of John Gannon. Continue reading

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Lily Hall – Statements & Analysis

Lily Hall’s statements with maps and diagrams.

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