Richard Gordon Parry – Full Statements

The statements of Richard Gordon Parry, courtesy of John Gannon.

Police Statement, 23/01/1931:

“Tuebrook Bridewell.
Richard Gordon PARRY says:-

I live at 7, Woburn Hill and I am an inspector employed by the Standard Life Assurance Co., 28 Exchange Street East. I have known Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of 29, Wolverton Street since September 1926, by being in the employ of the Prudential Assurance Co., of which Mr Wallace was an agent. In December 1928 Mr Wallace was off duty ill, and I did his work for two weeks. On the Thursday of the first week, and on the Wednesday evening of the second, I called at his house to hand over the cash, and settle up the books.

The first time I called Mrs Wallace gave me a cup of tea and some cake while I was waiting for Mr Wallace to come downstairs. It was about 10.0a.m. and I waited in the kitchen. I had been to Mr. Wallace’s house on several occasions prior to December 1928 on business matters for my superintendent, Mr. Crewe, and had also called several times after that date on similar business. I always looked upon Mr. and Mrs. Wallace as a very devoted couple.

The last time I called at Wallace’s was about October or November 1929, and then I called on business for Mr. Crewe. The last time I saw Mr. Wallace was about three weeks ago on a bus from Victoria Street. I got off at Shaw Street. I know that Mr. Wallace is very fond of music, he plays bowls, and I have seen him at the City Cafe in North John Street; he is a member of a chess club which has its headquarters there.

I am a member of the Mersey Amateur Dramatic Society and previous to the production of “John Glaydes Honour” on November 17th 1930, at Crane Hall, we were rehearsing at the City Cafe every Tuesday and Thursday. It was during these rehearsals that I saw Mr. Wallace at the City Cafe on about three occasions. I did not know previously that he was a member of the Chess Club there.

On Monday evening the 19th instant I called for my young lady, Miss Lilian Lloyd, of 7, Missouri Road, at some address where she had been teaching, the address I cannot for the moment remember, and went home with her to 7, Missouri Road at about 5.30p.m. and remained there until about 11.30p.m. when I went home.

On Tuesday the 20th instant, I finished business at 5.30p.m. and called upon Mrs. Brine, 43, Knoclaid Road. I remained there with Mrs. Brine, her daughter Savona, 13 yrs; her nephew, Harold Dennison, 29, Marlborough Road, until about 8.30p.m. I then went out and bought some cigarettes – Players No. 3, and the evening Express from Mr. Hodgson, Post Office, Maiden Lane, on the way to my young lady’s house.

When I was turning the corner by the Post Office I remembered I had promised to call for my accumulator at Hignetts in West Derby Road, Tuebrook. I went there and got my accumulator and then went down West Derby Road and along Lisburn Lane to Mrs. Williamson, 49, Lisburn Lane, and saw her. We had a chat about a 21st birthday party for about 10 minutes, and then I went to 7, Missouri Road, and remained there till about 11 to 11.30p.m. when I went home.

I have heard of the murder of Mrs. Wallace and have studied the newspaper reports of the case and, naturally, being acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, I have taken a great interest in it. I have no objection whatever to the police verifying my statement as to my movements on Monday the 19th and Tuesday the 20th instants.

(Signed) R.G.Parry,
24th January 1931.”


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2 Responses to Richard Gordon Parry – Full Statements

  1. GED says:

    Parry is at pains at times to say what he did exactly, right down to the type of cigarettes he bought and which newspaper too. However, he doesn’t say which route he took once at Maiden Lane Post office after buying these and then realising that although only yards from his lady’s house, he needs to go to Hignett’s on West Derby Road to collect his accumulator. You might expect he’d simply make a U turn and retrace his steps back along Knoclaid Road having just previously left No.43 there, the home of Olivia Brine.

    However, doing this U turn and eventually turning right into West Derby Road from this direction would put him on the wrong side of the road for Hignetts. It wasn’t a dual carriageway back in 1931 so it’s no real problem but I wonder if he in fact turned left from Maiden Lane and onto the Townsend Lane which in a few minutes time would put him onto Lower Breck Road, the place where 2 men were seen running to down Hanwell Street. Might he have picked them up before continuing straight onto West Derby Road from this direction, the whole circle/round trip takes only the matter of minutes even in these days of traffic lights and speed limits of which back then there were neither. All a bit too close for comfort isn’t it. Parry admits to being in a car in the vicinity around this time.

    He then makes a 10 minute stop off at the Williamson’s getting this invite to Leslie Williamson’s 21st birthday party but when questioned as to his lateness upon his eventual arrival at 7 Missouri Road, the home of his girlfriend Lily Lloyd, after 9pm, Parry only mentions this last call of his which only took 10 minutes and not his placement on the bulk of the night.

    I wonder why not much credence is given to the connection of this 21st birthday and the one Q mentions, perhaps a freudian slip. I’m sure if it were W saying something that Q had said, it would be jumped all over?

    • R M Qualtrough says:

      There’s a tram stop near where the men were apparently running to. Maybe they are late somewhere. It’s the weakest sighting provided in the case files (might not be in the files, but I am guessing it is) apart from Robert Carr.

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