Fact Check Friday

Unverified claims will be listed here. Because all case files are viewable by your own eye, feel free to cross check any. Any inaccuracies will be updated.

Claim: No fresh blood was confirmed to even be on the middle bedroom notes

Origin: Ged Fagan

Status: Misinformation.
Fact: City Analyst Report

“On the front of this Note, extending from the “O” in ONE diagonally upwards, there were several Human Blood Smears such as would be caused by drawing a slightly bloodstained thumb across the Note. These Smears were of recent origin, and were consistent with having been made on January 20th.”

Claim: There is no proof Wallace did not know his wife’s financial position

Origin: Ged Fagan

Status: True
Fact: Does not say anything about an awareness of the actual amount she had, but some ignorance surrounding her finances:

Herbert Gold:
I said “Did your wife have any money about”.
He said “I think she had some but I don’t know where she keeps it”.

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